Blog Posts

All about attention span

All about attention span

Let’s look at the question of attention span with a fresh set of eyes and consider some science-based solutions.

Operant Conditioning: A Tool for Learning

Operant Conditioning: A Tool for Learning

How to correctly apply rewards and consequences to promote learningOperant Conditioning is a learning process where behaviors are influenced by rewards or punishments. When a behavior is followed by a positive outcome, like praise or a treat, it’s more likely to be...

Classical Conditioning, From a Learning Perspective

Classical Conditioning, From a Learning Perspective

If you’ve studied any sort of psychology, chances are you know about Classical Conditioning and its association with bells and salivating dogs. We dig deeper into Classical Conditioning and how we can apply it for effective learning.

Educational Terminology: “Learners” vs “Students”

Educational Terminology: “Learners” vs “Students”

When you research topics related to learning, you will come across the word student, but you will also come across the term learner. The word learner is not one you come across often outside of the academic field, why is that?